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Sink Strainer

Drain Blocking Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Blocked drains can be a real nuisance. Not only can they be smelly and messy, they can also signal some deeper issues in your pipework. However, many things that cause your plumbing to get blocked up are easy to avoid. Find out which actions you should and shouldn’t be doing to keep your drains in good working order.

Don’t Pour Fat Down The Drain

When you’re cooking and need to drain off excess fat, it can be tempting to just pour it down the sink. However, you must avoid doing this at all costs. Fat and grease solidifies when cooled, which can cause obstructions in your pipes and lead to a blocked drain. Instead of putting it down the sink, you should be pouring excess fat into a container and throwing it in the bin once cooled.

Only Flush The 3 P’s

You should never put anything in the toilet that could cause a blockage. Often referred to as the 3 P’s, nothing more than pee, poo and paper should be flushed away. Sanitary products, baby wipes and even nappies are common causes of toilet blockages. These items need to be disposed of in the bin, as they’re too large to go down the drainage system. They also aren’t designed to break down like toilet paper does. This means that even if they don’t cause an immediate blockage, they can build up over time and cause much larger problems down the road.

Flushing A Wet Wipe

Don’t Ignore Early Signs

If the water in your sinks and showers is taking longer to drain, don’t ignore it. This can also be accompanied by unpleasant smells. It may be tempting to chuck a chemical drain unblocking fluid down the sink to try and remedy the issue, but these rarely work on large blockages. What’s more, when you eventually call out a plumber you could be putting them at risk of exposure to these chemicals.

Don’t Delay Calling A Plumber

Drain unblocking is a smelly, messy job that needs to be done by someone with good plumbing skills. Blocked drains can be a sign that something more is wrong with your system, so it’s a good idea for a professional to carry out a routine inspection as well as fixing the issue at hand. As soon as you’re able to, you should get a plumber to unblock your drains.

For Drain Unblocking, Choose Aluna

If you’ve got a blocked drain and need a plumber in Bristol to come and help, give us a call. Our team can resolve your issue quickly and ensure there’s nothing more causing problems in your system. Get in touch today for more information or to schedule a visit.


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